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Empire State Development Announces More Than $4M Awarded to Small Businesses Through NYSTAR’s Innovation Matching Grants Program

Nov 20, 2024 10:42AM ● By Nicole Petrus

Empire State Development’s Division of Science, Technology and Innovation (NYSTAR) today announced that 35 businesses have been awarded $4,637,226.00 in Round 1 & 2 of it's new Innovation Matching Grants program.* 

The initiative, launched in May 2024, is part of NYSTAR’s ongoing efforts to support the  growth of small businesses and the development of cutting-edge technologies in New  York State. NYSTAR received more than 35 applications within 1 week of opening its  first round of funding.  

The awarded projects span 18 strategic technology areas, including Additive/Manufacturing Technologies, Artificial Intelligence, Energy Storage/Battery  Technologies, Lifesciences/Biotechnology etc. Companies that received funding from  the federal government’s Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small  Business Technology Transfer (STTR) programs were eligible for NYSTAR matching  grants up to $200,000. 

The Innovation Matching Grants program ensures that SBIR- and STTR-supported  projects in New York receive additional support for commercialization services not  covered by their federal awards, such as marketing and legal assistance. 

Empire State Development President, CEO & Commissioner Hope Knight said,  “New York is the heart of innovation, and these grants provide the support that  empowers our state’s small business entrepreneurs in high-growth industries to turn  their potential into real technological and economic progress.”

NYSTAR’s initiative highlights its commitment to supporting early-stage technology  development and accelerating the path from research to market, which has contributed  to business growth, job creation and stronger regional economies across New York.  

“The response when we opened our first round of funding was truly incredible,” said  Ben Verschueren, Executive Director of NYSTAR. “It underscores the reality that innovation is more than research and development — small businesses also need  funding to protect their intellectual property, gain awareness about their innovations, and  a long list of other critical steps on the route to commercialization. The Innovation  Matching Grants program will make a difference not only for these projects but for all  New Yorkers through the resulting economic impacts.” 

Receiving NYSTAR Innovation Matching Grants are: 

1. Aincobio LLC – Central NY 

2. Alpha-En Corporation – Mid-Hudson 

3. Carbon To Stone, Inc – Finger Lakes 

4. DataCicda LLC – Finger Lakes 

5. Graphenix Development, Inc – Western NY 

6. IAMBIC, Inc – New York City 

7. IBEX Materials, Inc – Western NY 

8. Nearabl, Inc – New York City 

9. Photonect Interconnect Solutions, Inc – New York City 

10.sxRNA Technologies, Inc – Capital Region 

11.Tezcat Biosciences, Inc – New York City 

12.Xallent, Inc – Capital Region 

13.Zetagen Therapeutics, Inc – Central NY 

14.Addinex Technologies, Inc – New York City 

15.Anew Material – New York City 

16.Atrevida Science, Inc – Western NY 

17.Chimerna Therapeutics – New York City 

18.Circadian OS – New York City 

19.ESM Global Productions, LLC – New York City 

20.Immunotolerx Therapeutics, LLC – Western NY 

21.KLAW Industries – Southern Tier 

22.Labby – Finger Lakes 

23.LiBama Power – Southern Tier 

24.LighTopTech Corp – Finger Lakes 

25.Lucerna, Inc – New York City 

26.Mahattan BioSolutions, Inc – New York City 

27.Mission Power Corp – North Country 

28.Nephrogen Inc- New York City 

29. Pharmacoustics Technologies, LLC – North Country 

30.Retrn Bioworks, Inc – Finger Lakes 

31.SunThru, LLC – Capital Region 

32.SUPERClean Glass, Inc – Long Island 

33.UbiquiTx, Inc – New York City

34.Vyir, Inc – New York City 

35.Xylyx Bio, Inc – New York City 

*Awards are conditioned on the successful negotiation and execution of a Grant  Disbursement Agreement. 

About Empire State Development 

Empire State Development is New York's chief economic development agency, and  promotes business growth, job creation, and greater economic opportunity throughout  the state. With offices in each of the state's 10 regions, ESD oversees the Regional  Economic Development Councils, supports broadband equity through the ConnectALL  office, and is growing the workforce of tomorrow through the Office of Strategic  Workforce Development. The agency engages with emerging and next generation  industries like clean energy and semiconductor manufacturing looking to grow in New  York State, operates a network of assistance centers to help small businesses grow and  succeed, and promotes the state's world class tourism destinations through I LOVE NY.  For more information, please visit, and connect with ESD  on LinkedInFacebook and X

About ESD’s Division of Science, Technology and Innovation (NYSTAR) Empire State Development’s Division of Science, Technology and Innovation – known  as NYSTAR – advances technology innovation and commercialization in New York  State. NYSTAR offers programs that assist companies from start-up through maturity,  leveraging the state’s unparalleled investment in world-class technology assets and  expertise. It provides about $70 million annually in funding to support over 80 centers  that provide direct assistance to New York State companies — a network of vital assets  for enabling technology — and manufacturing-led growth and job creation. NYSTAR  and its partners are proud to contribute to New York’s leadership in the global innovation  economy. For more information, visit e