Total Eclipse of the Park
Solar Eclipse
Mark your calendars for April 8, 2024! On this date, visitors and residents in the Watertown, New York will see a total solar eclipse from the BEST location in New York State for viewing this once-in-a-lifetime event. The City of Watertown sits directly in the center of the “path of totality” and at approximately 3:22 PM on April 8, 2024, Watertown will plunge into darkness for three minutes and 39 seconds. To mark this momentous occasion, the City of Watertown will host “Total Eclipse of the Park” at historic Thompson Park on April 8, with other community events happening throughout the weekend prior. While details of “Total Eclipse of the Park” continue to be finalized, we invite you to visit our website (www.WatertownNewYorkEclipse) regularly for updates, information on other community events taking place and more.
Date & Time
April 8, 2024